Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th ONE MONTH!

Lilli didnt get her picc line out today like we hoped, tomorrow for sure! She is at full feed on the tube, so they will start working more and more with bottle feedings! I just want to take the time today to thank Amanda Hoyt for setting this all up for me, and for everything she has done. I am so excited to get more information on Turner Syndrome, which she emailed and pretty much got me! I didnt know Amanda at ALL before this, never met, never crossed paths at all, and she is a true blessing, an angel to me and Lillian..
Also, anyone reading this that has skin... should go look at my mary kay website- there is a link on the right of the blog- I can help you with anything you need or want, just ask! I am LOVING the new cheek glaze, and creme highlighter! Just so ya'll know :0)
Thank you for all the support, when I have a better update I will let you know!
Lots of Love!


Amanda Hoyt said...

Thank you, Lauren, but I definitely didn't want to be recognized. This was all God's handiwork - not mine! I really don't know how I was able to create this blog in a matter of a few days. My schedule opened up, my patience did not grow thin and my spirits lifted with each click of the mouse. It made my heart soar thinking of you and Lillian and the help and prayers that you might receive once people heard your story. I do not want a pat on the back. I want you two to know that Jesus loves you and so do we! You are loved and wanted - no matter the circumstances...I may not know you well yet, but I hope to get to know you better over the coming years :) You seem like such a sweet soul. Your daughter takes after you I think because she is absolutely precious! The little sounds she made the day I got to see her in the NICU last week were adorable. Although I'm not her momma, my heart cried as I'm sure yours does everyday, and I just wanted to pick her up out of that box of a bed and run far far away from all the beeping and just love on her! She's your miracle from the Lord and no one can ever take that away from you. No matter what doctors may say over the coming years, you will always know your Lilli Bug best. Get her the best care, but always use your mother's instinct. One more thing - I'm not really sure what is keeping me feeling so connected to you as I do except the pure and gentle love that only the Lord can provide, but I've been through many trials in my life; some involving my children (all three of them if you count my angel in heaven); and I want to give back. The Lord has blessed me and I want to help you because I know that I could have very well been in your same position with any one of my children...
~Don't forget to smile and that we all love you and Lilli~
Big Hugs,

Rooney's Little Musings said...

Hi Lauren,

I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and Lillian.

Please know that you have another person behind you and lifting you and your sweet baby up to the Lord.

I pray He will continue to sustain you through this tough time, and that you will feel His strength and His arms around you and your sweet baby!



Lauren and Lillian said...

I love all the love!!