Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Lord!

What a day! All these teeth hurting my baby are really starting to hurt me!!!
I'm sooo exhausted of the crying. Besides all that, the antibiotics she's on are not doin a tummy well!! Having some pain :-(
Lucky us, Lillian was in a wonderful mood for our Cy Fair magazine shoot. They came brand took our pictures- I had such a hard time with acting serious! We got it done though, and I think it'll be out in November!
Thanks forkeeping up with us:) people on here have truly restored my faith in humanity, and god!!!
We have some pretty critical appts Monday! I'll let ya know!

1 comment:

Rooney's Little Musings said...

I'm so glad to know that Lillian is doing better.

I will continue to pray for you both, and her daddy.

Praying and hoping the doctors appointments go great on Monday!