Monday, June 21, 2010


Lillian and I have been very busy with life and I appologize for those of you who have been checking on us and not knowing whats going on... as you can see from the pictures... NO MORE OXYGEN! And her sucking is still tough, mostly chewing, we go every single weds at 11 am to the OT who will help. Her swallow has gotten much much much better! And she fell asleep after chewing the other day, and started to suck the bottle in her sleep! Drs told me that its a natural instinct... crazy though how she did it, I was just hoping she'd wake up and know what she was doing! AND KEEP GOING!!
Life is going to be soo soo soo much easier and a bit more normal now without the oxygen. I am so grateful. Thank you for prayers. WHOO! I have been having some wonderful friends come over each weekend with their kiddos and we have been playing games and having drinks and talking baby talk... its wonderful for me, and I hope it is for them too! I am really growing a love for them because we can talk, and understand each other, especially one friend of mine whos baby was in the nicu the same length Lillian was! We really see how the Nicu formed them into the little babies they are today! Just lots of little things...
I think she is gaining weight... she is on nutramigin, 24 cal. per oz. So far pretty decent.. I think throwing up comes and goes, you can never tell what makes it happen.. She is munchin on those fingers like no other! She just bites them and starts crying! poor bug! Im hoping it will help her get a suck down soon... She's doing so wonderfully. Im so proud of her.. Now I have to get ME going... a plan for ME... thats the hard part. Job. School. Where do I start. hm!
Always the same thing! Thanks for checking on us, Ill try to update more.. We love our wonderful family and friends more than anything, without you- we'd be SCREWED! Thank you. and Thank God for all my great gifts in life. This little angel expecially

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