Thursday, February 3, 2011

Updates On LilliaN since November!

Hi all,
I am sorry I havent updated in forever!! SO, In november Lillian was intubated for 5 days due to a upper respiratory infection. When they extubated her, she had a very hard time, her heart rate was over 200 for 30 mins... they were worried they would have to re intubate her... but thank GOD they didnt have to.
We slowly "thought" she was getting better.. she came home.. and a month later we were back in the hospital with the same issues. Our new pediatrician, Dr. Ramsey, who is AAAMAZING, had us stay at north cypress hospital center- and they took care of her, with antibiotics and steroids and oxygen. And sent  us home on oxygen. It has now been 2 weeks and we are back in Texas Children Hospital- With the SAME ISSUES!! The good news is, Monday she is getting her G-BUTTON!!!! The final desicion that I am having to make before then, is to do a GJ TUBE OR A FUNDO AND GBUTTON... please help me with what you know :9)
She is now 10 months old, and 10.10 lbs, she is doing wonderful, almost rolling over, trying hard to sit, eating more and more by mouth on a daily basis! Thank you all for the wonderful prayers. and any advice. please, help! i know it is last minuit! Thanks so much
Lauren and Lillian

1 comment:

Lisha said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your very dear friend. If I can be of any help or support, please let me know. My daughter has a g-button - no fundo or gj. My nephew has the fundo and I'm sure if the cardiologist had it their way, my daughter would have had the fundo too. The good news with the fundo is that Lillian won't puke once she has it. I hope this is even just the tiniest bit helpful. Please let me know if you need any help or advice...especially with the button.
Lisha Lupher